(5 Papers Published
Senior/principal author(s) = Underline
PI = bold
Fellow = f
Graduate Student = G (chaired or co-chaired) and g (other, e.g., committee member)
Post-Doctoral Associate/Fellow = P (directly supervised) and p (other)
Undergraduate (ug)
Other (&) = Extension Agent or Agency Partner
(51) Trevathan-Tackett S., Kepfer Rojas S., Malerba M., Macreadie P., Djukic I., Zhao J., Young E., York P.H., Yeh S., Xiong Y., Winters G., Whitlock D., Weaver C., Watson A., Visby I., Tylkowski J., Trethowan A., Tiegs S., Taylor B., Szpikowski J., Szpikowska G., Strickland V., Stivrins N., Sousa A.I., Sinutok S., Scheffel W., Santos R., Sanderman J., Sánchez-Carrillo S., Sanchez-Cabeza J., Rymer K., Ruiz-Fernandez A., Robroek B., Roberts T., Ricart A., Reynolds L., Rachlewicz G., Prathep A., Pinsonneault A., Pendall E., Payne R., Ozola I., Onufrock C., Ola A., Oberbauer S., Numbere A., Novak A., Norkko J., Norkko A., Mozdzer T., Morgan P., Montemayor D., Martin C., Malone S., Major M., Majewski M., Lundquist C., Lovelock C., Liu S., Lin H., Lillebo A., Li J., Kominoski J., Khuroo A., Kelleway J. J., Jinks K., Jerónimo D., Janousek C., Jackson E., Iribarne O., Hanley T., Hamid M., Gupta A., Guariento R., Grudzinska I., Gripp A., González Sagrario M., Garrison L., Gagnon K., Gacia E., Fusi M., Farrington L., Farmer J., Esteves F., Escapa M., Domańska M., Dias A., Santos C.B., Daffonchio D., Czyryca P., Connolly R., Cobb A., Chudzińska M., Christiaen B., Chifflard P., Castelar S., Carneiro L., Cardoso-Mohedano J.G., Camden M., Caliman A., Bulmer R., Bowen J., Boström C., Bernal S., Berges J., Benavides J., Barry S., Alatalo J., Al-Haj A., Adame F (2004) Climate effects on belowground tea litter decomposition depend on ecosystem and organic matter types in global wetlands. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI 10.1021/acs.est.4c02116
(50) Reyes G (G,) Smyth A.R., Qui J, Reynolds L.K. (2024) Highly Urbanized Mangrove Areas are Small in Size, Fragmented, and Missed by Large-scale Mapping Efforts. Wetlands https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-024-01858-9
(49) Bijak A (G), Reynolds L.K., Martens-Habbena W, Smyth A (2024) Seasonal variability and seagrass traits affect methane fluxes in a subtropical meadow. Journal of Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14412
(48) Barry S (&), Reynolds L.K., Braswell A.E., Gittman R.K., Scyphers SB, Smyth AR (2024) Perceived effectiveness drives shoreline decision-making for Florida's waterfront property owners. Ocean and Coastal Management https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107353
(47) Looby A. (G), Martin C.W. Reynolds L.K. (2024) Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta) Boatwhistle Calls—A Prevalent Acoustic Cue with Passive Acoustic Monitoring Applications. Estuaries and Coasts. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-024-01410-2
( 46) French E (g), Smyth AR, Reynolds LK, Moore KA. (2024) Nitrogen Cycling in Widgeongrass and Eelgrass Beds in the Lower Chesapeake Bay. Nitrogen. 5(2):315-328. https://doi.org/10.3390/nitrogen5020021
(45) Looby A.(G), Reynolds L.K., McDonald A.M., Barry S.&, Clark M., Martin C.W. (2024) Intertidal Soundscapes of Hardened and Living Shorelines: A Case Study of Habitat Enhancement. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.4118
(44) Ugarelli K0 (.g), Campbell J.E.; Rhoades,O. K. (p), Munson,C.J., Altieri A. H., Douglass J. G., Heck K. L., Paul V., Barry S.C. (&), Christ L., Fourqurean J., Frazer T.K.., Linhardt S.T., Martin C.W., McDonald A.M., Main V.A., Manuel S.A., Marco-Mendez C., Reynolds L.K., Rodriguez A., Rodriguez Bravo L.M., Sawall Y., Smith K., Wied W.L., Choi C.J., Stingl U (2024) Microbiomes of Thalassia testudinum throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico are influenced by site, region, and sediment type while maintaining a core microbiome. Frontiers in Microbial Ecology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2024.1357797
(43) Campbell J.E., Rhoades O.K., Munson C.J., Altieri A.H., Douglass J.G., Heck K.L., Paul V.J., Armitage A.R., Barry S.C.&, Bethel E., Christ L.R., Christianen M.J.A., Dodillet, G, Dutton, K., Fourqurean J.W., Frazer T.K., Gaffey, B.M., Glazner, R., Goeke, J.A., Valdes R.G., Jenkins V., Kramer O.A.A., Linhardt S.T, Martin C.W., Martinez Lopez, I.G., McDonald A.p, Main V.A.,. Manuel S.A., Mendez C.M., O’Brien D., O’Shea O, Patrick C.J., Peabody C, Reynolds L.K, Rodriguez A.R., Rodriguez-Bravo L.M., Sang A., Sawall Y., Smith K., Smulders F.O.H., Sun U., Thompson J, van Tussenbroek B.I, Wied W.L. (2024) Herbivore effects increase with latitude across the extent of a foundational seagrass: Implications for the tropicalization of the Western Atlantic. Nature Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-02336-5
(42) Roth, J (G), Wilson P.C, Steele L.M., Reynolds, L.K. (2024) Intraspecific variation in seagrass anti-herbivore defenses along a natural gradient in phosphorus availability impacts herbivore feeding decisions. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14486
(41) Rohal C.B. (P), Adams C.R., Martin C.W., Tevlin S. (ug), Reynolds L.K. (2024) Seed bank and germination ecology of sub-tropical Vallisneria americana. Aquatic Botany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2023.103721
(40) Looby A (G), Erbe C, Bravi S., Cox K. (p), Davies H.L., Dilorio L, Jézéquel, Y, Juanes F., Martin C.W., Mooney T.A., Radford C, Reynolds, L.K., Rice A. Riera A., Roundtree R., Spriel B., Stanley J., Vela S., Parsons M.J.G. (2023) Global Inventory of Species Categorized by Known Underwater Sonifery. Scientific Data, 10(1), 892
(39) Looby A (G), Bravo S. (ug), Juanes F., Roundtree R., Riera A., Davies H.L., Spriel B, Vela S., Reynolds, L.K., Martin C.W., Cox K (p) (2023) The importance of context in the acoustic behaviors of marine, subtropical fish species. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 154(5)
(38) Colopietro D.J. (g), Pachon J.g, Bacon A., Inglett P., Reynolds, L.K., Rohal, C.P (2023) Evaluating Methodological Parameters to Quantify Particle Size of Organic Soil Material with Laser Diffraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal 87: 1417-1430
(37)Bijak A. (G), Reynolds L.K., Smyth A.R. (2023) Seagrass meadow stability and composition influence carbon storage. Landscape Ecology . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-023-01700-3
(36) Roth J. (G), Reynolds, L.K. (2023) Macrophyte species richness improves resilience to grazing. Journal of Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14153
(35) Roth J. (G), Osborne T.Z., and Reynolds, L.K. (2023) Warming and grazing independently and interactively impact plant defenses and palatability. Oikos. doi.org/10.1111/oik.09771
(34) Fourqurean J.W., Campbell J.E., Rhoades, O.K. (p), Munson C.J., Altieri A.H., Douglass J.G., Heck K.L., Paul V.P., Armitage A.R., Barry S.C.&, Bethel E., Christ L.R., Christianen M.J.A., Dodillet, G, Dutton, K., Frazer T.K., Gaffey, B.M., Glazner, R., Goeke, J.A., Valdes R.G., Jenkins V., Kramer O.A.A., Linhardt S.T, Martin C.W., Martinez Lopez, I.G., McDonald A.pp, Main V.A.,. Manuel S.A., Mendez C.M., O’Brien D., O’Shea O, Patrick C.J., Peabody C, Reynolds L.K, Rodriguez A.R., Rodriguez-Bravo L.M., Sang A., Sawall Y., Smith K., Smulders F.O.H., Sun U., Thompson J, van Tussenbroek B.I, Wied W.L., Wilson S.S (2023) Herbivory, but not nutrient addition, increases the organic carbon content of surficial soils in seagrass meadows across the western North Atlantic. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-023-01210-0
(33) McDonald A.M., Martin C.W., Adams C.R., Reynolds, L.K. (2023) Competition in a changing world: invasive aquatic plant is limited by saltwater encroachment. Ecosphere 14.3 (2023): e4394.
(32) Looby A. (G), Vela, S., Cox, K.p, Riera A., Bravo S., Davies H.L., Rountree R., Reynolds L.K., Martin C.W., Matwin S. and Juanes F. (2022). FishSounds version 1.0: A website for the compilation of fish sound production information and recordings. Ecological Informatics, p.101953.
(31) Looby, A (G), Cox K.p, Bravo S., Rountree R., Juanes F., Reynolds L. K., Martin C. W. (2022). A quantitative inventory of global soniferous fish diversity. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1–15.
(30) Rohal C. B. (P), Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Tevlin S. (ug), Reynolds, L. K. (2022). Intraspecific variation in Potamogeton illinoensis life history and seed germination has implications for restoration in eutrophic lakes. Hydrobiologia, 1–20.
(29) Rohal C. B. (P), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Gorham S. B (&). (2021). A preliminary investigation of umbellate inflorescences in Vallisneria americana populations of Central Florida. Aquatic Botany, 175, 103436.
(28) Reynolds L. K., Rohal C. B.P, Scheffel W. A., Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Slater, J (&). (2021). Submerged aquatic vegetation species and oppulations within species respond differently to environmental stressors common in restorations. Environmental Management, 68(4), 477-490.
(27) Rohal C. B. (P), Reinhardt Adams C., Reynolds L. K., Hazelton E., Kettenring, K. M. (2021) Do common assumptions about the wetland seed bank following invasive plant removal hold true? Divergent outcomes following multi‐year Phragmites australis management. Applied Vegetation Science, e12626.
(26) Gorham S. B. (&), Seyoum S (&), Furman B. T (&), Darnell K. M., Reynolds L. K., Tringali M. D.(&) (2021). Molecular detection of a non-native hybrid eelgrass, Vallisneria spiralis Linnaeus (1753)× V. denseserrulata Makino (1921), in the southeastern United States. Aquatic Botany, 175, 103445.
(25) **Looby A. (G), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R., Walsh S. J.(&), Martin, C. W. (2021). Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat use of age-0 Florida bass Micropterus floridanus. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104(8), 947–958.
**Editors Choice
(24) Looby A. (G), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R. Martin, C. W. (2021). Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Patch Size Affects Fish Communities in a Turbid-Algal Lake. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 12.
(23) Barry S. C. (&), Hyman A. C., Jacoby C. A. (&), Reynolds L. K., Kowalewski M., Frazer, T. K. (2021). Variation in seagrass-associated macroinvertebrate communities along the Gulf Coast of Peninsular Florida: an exploration of patterns and ecological consequences. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 596966.
(22) Sullivan C.R. (G), Smyth A.R., Martin C.W., Reynolds L.K. (2021) How does mangrove expansion affect structure and function of adjacent seagrass meadows? Estuaries and Coasts, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00879-x
(21) Rohal C. B. (P), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Latimer E(&)., Walsh S. J.&, Slater J.& (2020). Biological and practical tradeoffs in planting techniques for submerged aquatic vegetation. Aquatic Botany, doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103347
(20) Roth, J.(G), & Reynolds, L. K. (2020). Engaging students in seagrass-focused activities. Science Activities, 57(3), 122–131
(19) Martin C. W., Reynolds L. K., Scheffel, W. A., Tiffany, S. (ug), & Kopetman, S. (ug) (2020). Diel variability and influence of artificial light on fish and macroinvertebrate communities in Gulf of Mexico seagrass beds. Estuaries and Coasts, doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00865-3
(18) Darnell K. M., Furman B. T.(&), Heck Jr K. L., Byron D., Reynolds L., Dunton, K. H. (2020). Seed reserve hot spots for the Sub-tropical seagrass Halodule wrightii (shoal grass) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts, doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00808-y.
(17) Reynolds L.K.,.Tiling K.A.(&), Digiantonio G.B., Encomio V.G.(&), Morris L.G.(&) (2019) Genetic diversity of Halodule wrightii is resistant to large scale dieback—a case study from the Indian River Lagoon. Conservation Genetics 20:1329–1337
(16) Williams S.L, Abbott J.M., Reynolds L.K., Stachowicz J.J. (2018). Marine macrophyte detritus and decomposition: the role of intraspecific variation. Estuaries and Coasts 41:1223–1244
(15) Reynolds L.K., Chan K.M.(ug), Huynh E. (ug) Williams S.L., Stachowicz J.J. (2018) Plant genotype identity and diversity interact with mesograzer diversity to influence detrital consumption in eelgrass meadows. Oikos. 127:327–336
(14) Reynolds L.K., Stachowicz J.J., Hughes A.R., Kamel S.J., Ort B.S., Grosberg R.K. (2017) Temporal stability in patterns of genetic diversity and structure of a marine foundation species (Zostera marina). Heredity 118: 404–412
(13) Reynolds L.K., Dubois K., Abbott J.M., Williams S.L., Stachowicz J.J. (2016) Eelgrass response to increased temperature is delayed, genotype specific, and varies with phenology. PLoS One 11(6):e0154532 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154532
(12) Reynolds L.K., Waycott M., McGlathery K.J., Orth R.J. (2016) Ecosystem services returned through seagrass restoration. Restoration Ecology 24: 583–588
(11) Reynolds L.K., Marino R.M., Muth M.G., McLenaghan N., Hayn M, Tyler A.C., McGlathery K.J., Howarth R.W. (2015) Evidence of grazer control on nitrogen fixation by eelgrass epiphytes in a temperate coastal bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 526 (2015): 11–19
(10) Ort B.S., Cohen C.S., Boyer K.E., Reynolds L.K., Wyllie-Echeverria S. (2014) Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment. PLoS One 9(2): e89316. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089316
(9) Fertig B., Kennish M.J., Sakowicz G.P., Reynolds L.K. (2014) Mind the data gap: Identifying and assessing drivers of changing eutrophication condition. Estuaries and Coasts doi: 10.1007/s12237-013-9746-5
(8) Reynolds L.K., Waycott M., McGlathery K.J. (2013) Restoration recovers population structure and landscape genetic connectivity in a dispersal-limited ecosystem. Journal of Ecology 101: 1288–1297
(7) Reynolds L.K., McGlathery K.J., Waycott M (2012) Genetic diversity enhances restoration success by augmenting ecosystem services. PLoS One 7(6): e38397. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038397
(6) Reynolds L.K., Carr L.A., Boyer K.E. (2012) Amphipod (Ampithoe valida) consumption of eelgrass (Zostera marina) flowers in San Francisco Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 451: 107–118
(5) McGlathery K.J., Reynolds L.K., Cole L.W., Orth R.J., Schwarzchild A. (2012) Recovery trends in an eelgrass system restored by seeding: State changes and tipping points. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 209–211
(4) Reynolds L.K., Waycott M., McGlathery K.J., Orth R.J., Zieman J.C. (2012) Eelgrass restoration by seed maintains genetic diversity: A Virginia Coast Reserve case study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 223–233
(3) Reynolds L.K., Boyer K.E. (2009) Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) alters physical and functional properties of tidal marshes in San Francisco Estuary. Invasive Plant Management Science. 3:130–138
(2) Ksiazek K., McGlathery K.J., Reynolds L.K., Schwarzschild A.C., Wilkerson C., Carruthers T.J.M., Gurbisz C., Woerner J.L., Murray L. (2009) Learning about coastal trends. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas 46: 27–31
(1) Reynolds L.K., Berg P., Zieman J.C. (2007) Lucinid influence on the biogeochemistry of Thalassia testudinum sediments. Estuaries and Coasts. 30(3): 482–490
Book Chapters Published:
(3) Cox K (p), Looby A (G) , Vela S, Riera A, Bravo S, Davies HL, Rountree R, Spriel B, Reynolds LK, Martin CW, Matwin S, Juanes F. (In press). FishSounds Version 1.1: data archive, user experience, and online resources. Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Consideration, edited by A. N. Popper, J. Sisneros, A. Hawkins, and F. Thomsen (Springer Nature, Berlin)
(2) Looby A (G), Cox K (p), Bravo S, Rountree R, Juanes F, Riera A, Vela S, Davies HL, Reynolds LK, Martin CW. (In press). Fish sound production research: historical practices and ongoing challenges. Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Consideration, edited by A. N. Popper, J. Sisneros, A. Hawkins, and F. Thomsen (Springer Nature, Berlin)
(1) Reddy K.R, Osborne T.Z., Dobberfuhl D.R., Reynolds. L.K. (2020) Internal Phosphorus Loads in Sub-tropical Shallow Lakes: Two Florida Lakes as a Case Example. In: A.D. Steinman and B. M. Spears (Eds.), Internal Phosphorus Loading: Causes, Case Studies, and Management (pp. 125–145). Plantation, FL: J. Ross Publishing.
Senior/principal author(s) = Underline
PI = bold
Fellow = f
Graduate Student = G (chaired or co-chaired) and g (other, e.g., committee member)
Post-Doctoral Associate/Fellow = P (directly supervised) and p (other)
Undergraduate (ug)
Other (&) = Extension Agent or Agency Partner
(51) Trevathan-Tackett S., Kepfer Rojas S., Malerba M., Macreadie P., Djukic I., Zhao J., Young E., York P.H., Yeh S., Xiong Y., Winters G., Whitlock D., Weaver C., Watson A., Visby I., Tylkowski J., Trethowan A., Tiegs S., Taylor B., Szpikowski J., Szpikowska G., Strickland V., Stivrins N., Sousa A.I., Sinutok S., Scheffel W., Santos R., Sanderman J., Sánchez-Carrillo S., Sanchez-Cabeza J., Rymer K., Ruiz-Fernandez A., Robroek B., Roberts T., Ricart A., Reynolds L., Rachlewicz G., Prathep A., Pinsonneault A., Pendall E., Payne R., Ozola I., Onufrock C., Ola A., Oberbauer S., Numbere A., Novak A., Norkko J., Norkko A., Mozdzer T., Morgan P., Montemayor D., Martin C., Malone S., Major M., Majewski M., Lundquist C., Lovelock C., Liu S., Lin H., Lillebo A., Li J., Kominoski J., Khuroo A., Kelleway J. J., Jinks K., Jerónimo D., Janousek C., Jackson E., Iribarne O., Hanley T., Hamid M., Gupta A., Guariento R., Grudzinska I., Gripp A., González Sagrario M., Garrison L., Gagnon K., Gacia E., Fusi M., Farrington L., Farmer J., Esteves F., Escapa M., Domańska M., Dias A., Santos C.B., Daffonchio D., Czyryca P., Connolly R., Cobb A., Chudzińska M., Christiaen B., Chifflard P., Castelar S., Carneiro L., Cardoso-Mohedano J.G., Camden M., Caliman A., Bulmer R., Bowen J., Boström C., Bernal S., Berges J., Benavides J., Barry S., Alatalo J., Al-Haj A., Adame F (2004) Climate effects on belowground tea litter decomposition depend on ecosystem and organic matter types in global wetlands. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI 10.1021/acs.est.4c02116
(50) Reyes G (G,) Smyth A.R., Qui J, Reynolds L.K. (2024) Highly Urbanized Mangrove Areas are Small in Size, Fragmented, and Missed by Large-scale Mapping Efforts. Wetlands https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-024-01858-9
(49) Bijak A (G), Reynolds L.K., Martens-Habbena W, Smyth A (2024) Seasonal variability and seagrass traits affect methane fluxes in a subtropical meadow. Journal of Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14412
(48) Barry S (&), Reynolds L.K., Braswell A.E., Gittman R.K., Scyphers SB, Smyth AR (2024) Perceived effectiveness drives shoreline decision-making for Florida's waterfront property owners. Ocean and Coastal Management https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107353
(47) Looby A. (G), Martin C.W. Reynolds L.K. (2024) Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta) Boatwhistle Calls—A Prevalent Acoustic Cue with Passive Acoustic Monitoring Applications. Estuaries and Coasts. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-024-01410-2
( 46) French E (g), Smyth AR, Reynolds LK, Moore KA. (2024) Nitrogen Cycling in Widgeongrass and Eelgrass Beds in the Lower Chesapeake Bay. Nitrogen. 5(2):315-328. https://doi.org/10.3390/nitrogen5020021
(45) Looby A.(G), Reynolds L.K., McDonald A.M., Barry S.&, Clark M., Martin C.W. (2024) Intertidal Soundscapes of Hardened and Living Shorelines: A Case Study of Habitat Enhancement. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.4118
(44) Ugarelli K0 (.g), Campbell J.E.; Rhoades,O. K. (p), Munson,C.J., Altieri A. H., Douglass J. G., Heck K. L., Paul V., Barry S.C. (&), Christ L., Fourqurean J., Frazer T.K.., Linhardt S.T., Martin C.W., McDonald A.M., Main V.A., Manuel S.A., Marco-Mendez C., Reynolds L.K., Rodriguez A., Rodriguez Bravo L.M., Sawall Y., Smith K., Wied W.L., Choi C.J., Stingl U (2024) Microbiomes of Thalassia testudinum throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico are influenced by site, region, and sediment type while maintaining a core microbiome. Frontiers in Microbial Ecology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2024.1357797
(43) Campbell J.E., Rhoades O.K., Munson C.J., Altieri A.H., Douglass J.G., Heck K.L., Paul V.J., Armitage A.R., Barry S.C.&, Bethel E., Christ L.R., Christianen M.J.A., Dodillet, G, Dutton, K., Fourqurean J.W., Frazer T.K., Gaffey, B.M., Glazner, R., Goeke, J.A., Valdes R.G., Jenkins V., Kramer O.A.A., Linhardt S.T, Martin C.W., Martinez Lopez, I.G., McDonald A.p, Main V.A.,. Manuel S.A., Mendez C.M., O’Brien D., O’Shea O, Patrick C.J., Peabody C, Reynolds L.K, Rodriguez A.R., Rodriguez-Bravo L.M., Sang A., Sawall Y., Smith K., Smulders F.O.H., Sun U., Thompson J, van Tussenbroek B.I, Wied W.L. (2024) Herbivore effects increase with latitude across the extent of a foundational seagrass: Implications for the tropicalization of the Western Atlantic. Nature Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-02336-5
(42) Roth, J (G), Wilson P.C, Steele L.M., Reynolds, L.K. (2024) Intraspecific variation in seagrass anti-herbivore defenses along a natural gradient in phosphorus availability impacts herbivore feeding decisions. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14486
(41) Rohal C.B. (P), Adams C.R., Martin C.W., Tevlin S. (ug), Reynolds L.K. (2024) Seed bank and germination ecology of sub-tropical Vallisneria americana. Aquatic Botany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2023.103721
(40) Looby A (G), Erbe C, Bravi S., Cox K. (p), Davies H.L., Dilorio L, Jézéquel, Y, Juanes F., Martin C.W., Mooney T.A., Radford C, Reynolds, L.K., Rice A. Riera A., Roundtree R., Spriel B., Stanley J., Vela S., Parsons M.J.G. (2023) Global Inventory of Species Categorized by Known Underwater Sonifery. Scientific Data, 10(1), 892
(39) Looby A (G), Bravo S. (ug), Juanes F., Roundtree R., Riera A., Davies H.L., Spriel B, Vela S., Reynolds, L.K., Martin C.W., Cox K (p) (2023) The importance of context in the acoustic behaviors of marine, subtropical fish species. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 154(5)
(38) Colopietro D.J. (g), Pachon J.g, Bacon A., Inglett P., Reynolds, L.K., Rohal, C.P (2023) Evaluating Methodological Parameters to Quantify Particle Size of Organic Soil Material with Laser Diffraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal 87: 1417-1430
(37)Bijak A. (G), Reynolds L.K., Smyth A.R. (2023) Seagrass meadow stability and composition influence carbon storage. Landscape Ecology . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-023-01700-3
(36) Roth J. (G), Reynolds, L.K. (2023) Macrophyte species richness improves resilience to grazing. Journal of Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14153
(35) Roth J. (G), Osborne T.Z., and Reynolds, L.K. (2023) Warming and grazing independently and interactively impact plant defenses and palatability. Oikos. doi.org/10.1111/oik.09771
(34) Fourqurean J.W., Campbell J.E., Rhoades, O.K. (p), Munson C.J., Altieri A.H., Douglass J.G., Heck K.L., Paul V.P., Armitage A.R., Barry S.C.&, Bethel E., Christ L.R., Christianen M.J.A., Dodillet, G, Dutton, K., Frazer T.K., Gaffey, B.M., Glazner, R., Goeke, J.A., Valdes R.G., Jenkins V., Kramer O.A.A., Linhardt S.T, Martin C.W., Martinez Lopez, I.G., McDonald A.pp, Main V.A.,. Manuel S.A., Mendez C.M., O’Brien D., O’Shea O, Patrick C.J., Peabody C, Reynolds L.K, Rodriguez A.R., Rodriguez-Bravo L.M., Sang A., Sawall Y., Smith K., Smulders F.O.H., Sun U., Thompson J, van Tussenbroek B.I, Wied W.L., Wilson S.S (2023) Herbivory, but not nutrient addition, increases the organic carbon content of surficial soils in seagrass meadows across the western North Atlantic. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-023-01210-0
(33) McDonald A.M., Martin C.W., Adams C.R., Reynolds, L.K. (2023) Competition in a changing world: invasive aquatic plant is limited by saltwater encroachment. Ecosphere 14.3 (2023): e4394.
(32) Looby A. (G), Vela, S., Cox, K.p, Riera A., Bravo S., Davies H.L., Rountree R., Reynolds L.K., Martin C.W., Matwin S. and Juanes F. (2022). FishSounds version 1.0: A website for the compilation of fish sound production information and recordings. Ecological Informatics, p.101953.
(31) Looby, A (G), Cox K.p, Bravo S., Rountree R., Juanes F., Reynolds L. K., Martin C. W. (2022). A quantitative inventory of global soniferous fish diversity. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1–15.
(30) Rohal C. B. (P), Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Tevlin S. (ug), Reynolds, L. K. (2022). Intraspecific variation in Potamogeton illinoensis life history and seed germination has implications for restoration in eutrophic lakes. Hydrobiologia, 1–20.
(29) Rohal C. B. (P), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Gorham S. B (&). (2021). A preliminary investigation of umbellate inflorescences in Vallisneria americana populations of Central Florida. Aquatic Botany, 175, 103436.
(28) Reynolds L. K., Rohal C. B.P, Scheffel W. A., Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Slater, J (&). (2021). Submerged aquatic vegetation species and oppulations within species respond differently to environmental stressors common in restorations. Environmental Management, 68(4), 477-490.
(27) Rohal C. B. (P), Reinhardt Adams C., Reynolds L. K., Hazelton E., Kettenring, K. M. (2021) Do common assumptions about the wetland seed bank following invasive plant removal hold true? Divergent outcomes following multi‐year Phragmites australis management. Applied Vegetation Science, e12626.
(26) Gorham S. B. (&), Seyoum S (&), Furman B. T (&), Darnell K. M., Reynolds L. K., Tringali M. D.(&) (2021). Molecular detection of a non-native hybrid eelgrass, Vallisneria spiralis Linnaeus (1753)× V. denseserrulata Makino (1921), in the southeastern United States. Aquatic Botany, 175, 103445.
(25) **Looby A. (G), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R., Walsh S. J.(&), Martin, C. W. (2021). Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat use of age-0 Florida bass Micropterus floridanus. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104(8), 947–958.
**Editors Choice
(24) Looby A. (G), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R. Martin, C. W. (2021). Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Patch Size Affects Fish Communities in a Turbid-Algal Lake. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 12.
(23) Barry S. C. (&), Hyman A. C., Jacoby C. A. (&), Reynolds L. K., Kowalewski M., Frazer, T. K. (2021). Variation in seagrass-associated macroinvertebrate communities along the Gulf Coast of Peninsular Florida: an exploration of patterns and ecological consequences. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 596966.
(22) Sullivan C.R. (G), Smyth A.R., Martin C.W., Reynolds L.K. (2021) How does mangrove expansion affect structure and function of adjacent seagrass meadows? Estuaries and Coasts, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00879-x
(21) Rohal C. B. (P), Reynolds L. K., Adams C. R., Martin C. W., Latimer E(&)., Walsh S. J.&, Slater J.& (2020). Biological and practical tradeoffs in planting techniques for submerged aquatic vegetation. Aquatic Botany, doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103347
(20) Roth, J.(G), & Reynolds, L. K. (2020). Engaging students in seagrass-focused activities. Science Activities, 57(3), 122–131
(19) Martin C. W., Reynolds L. K., Scheffel, W. A., Tiffany, S. (ug), & Kopetman, S. (ug) (2020). Diel variability and influence of artificial light on fish and macroinvertebrate communities in Gulf of Mexico seagrass beds. Estuaries and Coasts, doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00865-3
(18) Darnell K. M., Furman B. T.(&), Heck Jr K. L., Byron D., Reynolds L., Dunton, K. H. (2020). Seed reserve hot spots for the Sub-tropical seagrass Halodule wrightii (shoal grass) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts, doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00808-y.
(17) Reynolds L.K.,.Tiling K.A.(&), Digiantonio G.B., Encomio V.G.(&), Morris L.G.(&) (2019) Genetic diversity of Halodule wrightii is resistant to large scale dieback—a case study from the Indian River Lagoon. Conservation Genetics 20:1329–1337
(16) Williams S.L, Abbott J.M., Reynolds L.K., Stachowicz J.J. (2018). Marine macrophyte detritus and decomposition: the role of intraspecific variation. Estuaries and Coasts 41:1223–1244
(15) Reynolds L.K., Chan K.M.(ug), Huynh E. (ug) Williams S.L., Stachowicz J.J. (2018) Plant genotype identity and diversity interact with mesograzer diversity to influence detrital consumption in eelgrass meadows. Oikos. 127:327–336
(14) Reynolds L.K., Stachowicz J.J., Hughes A.R., Kamel S.J., Ort B.S., Grosberg R.K. (2017) Temporal stability in patterns of genetic diversity and structure of a marine foundation species (Zostera marina). Heredity 118: 404–412
(13) Reynolds L.K., Dubois K., Abbott J.M., Williams S.L., Stachowicz J.J. (2016) Eelgrass response to increased temperature is delayed, genotype specific, and varies with phenology. PLoS One 11(6):e0154532 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154532
(12) Reynolds L.K., Waycott M., McGlathery K.J., Orth R.J. (2016) Ecosystem services returned through seagrass restoration. Restoration Ecology 24: 583–588
(11) Reynolds L.K., Marino R.M., Muth M.G., McLenaghan N., Hayn M, Tyler A.C., McGlathery K.J., Howarth R.W. (2015) Evidence of grazer control on nitrogen fixation by eelgrass epiphytes in a temperate coastal bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 526 (2015): 11–19
(10) Ort B.S., Cohen C.S., Boyer K.E., Reynolds L.K., Wyllie-Echeverria S. (2014) Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment. PLoS One 9(2): e89316. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089316
(9) Fertig B., Kennish M.J., Sakowicz G.P., Reynolds L.K. (2014) Mind the data gap: Identifying and assessing drivers of changing eutrophication condition. Estuaries and Coasts doi: 10.1007/s12237-013-9746-5
(8) Reynolds L.K., Waycott M., McGlathery K.J. (2013) Restoration recovers population structure and landscape genetic connectivity in a dispersal-limited ecosystem. Journal of Ecology 101: 1288–1297
(7) Reynolds L.K., McGlathery K.J., Waycott M (2012) Genetic diversity enhances restoration success by augmenting ecosystem services. PLoS One 7(6): e38397. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038397
(6) Reynolds L.K., Carr L.A., Boyer K.E. (2012) Amphipod (Ampithoe valida) consumption of eelgrass (Zostera marina) flowers in San Francisco Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 451: 107–118
(5) McGlathery K.J., Reynolds L.K., Cole L.W., Orth R.J., Schwarzchild A. (2012) Recovery trends in an eelgrass system restored by seeding: State changes and tipping points. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 209–211
(4) Reynolds L.K., Waycott M., McGlathery K.J., Orth R.J., Zieman J.C. (2012) Eelgrass restoration by seed maintains genetic diversity: A Virginia Coast Reserve case study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 223–233
(3) Reynolds L.K., Boyer K.E. (2009) Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) alters physical and functional properties of tidal marshes in San Francisco Estuary. Invasive Plant Management Science. 3:130–138
(2) Ksiazek K., McGlathery K.J., Reynolds L.K., Schwarzschild A.C., Wilkerson C., Carruthers T.J.M., Gurbisz C., Woerner J.L., Murray L. (2009) Learning about coastal trends. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas 46: 27–31
(1) Reynolds L.K., Berg P., Zieman J.C. (2007) Lucinid influence on the biogeochemistry of Thalassia testudinum sediments. Estuaries and Coasts. 30(3): 482–490
Book Chapters Published:
(3) Cox K (p), Looby A (G) , Vela S, Riera A, Bravo S, Davies HL, Rountree R, Spriel B, Reynolds LK, Martin CW, Matwin S, Juanes F. (In press). FishSounds Version 1.1: data archive, user experience, and online resources. Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Consideration, edited by A. N. Popper, J. Sisneros, A. Hawkins, and F. Thomsen (Springer Nature, Berlin)
(2) Looby A (G), Cox K (p), Bravo S, Rountree R, Juanes F, Riera A, Vela S, Davies HL, Reynolds LK, Martin CW. (In press). Fish sound production research: historical practices and ongoing challenges. Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Consideration, edited by A. N. Popper, J. Sisneros, A. Hawkins, and F. Thomsen (Springer Nature, Berlin)
(1) Reddy K.R, Osborne T.Z., Dobberfuhl D.R., Reynolds. L.K. (2020) Internal Phosphorus Loads in Sub-tropical Shallow Lakes: Two Florida Lakes as a Case Example. In: A.D. Steinman and B. M. Spears (Eds.), Internal Phosphorus Loading: Causes, Case Studies, and Management (pp. 125–145). Plantation, FL: J. Ross Publishing.